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Urban Forest - neues Design? -


via Teams oder OST Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Rapperswil, Gebäude 6, Raum 6.106
8640  Rapperswil



Tiny Forest/Miyawaki-Methode zur Begrünung von Siedlungsgebieten: Typen, Varianten, Geschichten
− What is the idea behind Tiny Forest? Where are Tiny Forests being created around the world? If so, why?
− What different types are there? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types?
− What are the experiences? What condition are older Tiny Forests in? What works well, what doesn't, and why?

Referentin/Referent: Hannah Lewis, Autorin, BA in Environmental Studies, mit Heather Schibli (Dougan & Associates) und Marc Halle (CCxA) Moderation: Prof. Dr. Jasmin Joshi

Teilnahme via Teams möglich. Link: